COVID Infection Control and Mitigation Measures

COVID Infection Control and Mitigation Measures 2022-2023

Milwaukee Math and Science Academy

The following information is based on the recommendations of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) updated 7/27/22 and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated 8/11/22. 

Preventing Infectious People from Attending School

  • Monitor for symptoms of illness daily (cough, fever, congestion etc…)
  • Anyone who is sick may not enter the school. 
  • If someone is experiencing symptoms COVID testing is recommended. 
    • Diagnostic testing is intended to identify if symptoms are COVID.
  • It is recommended to contact a medical professional if you are experiencing symptoms. 

Managing Symptomatic Persons

  • MMSA will only notify parents and guardians of COVID cases if there is an outbreak within a group of students. 
    • An outbreak is defined as at least 3 probable cases of COVID within a 14-day period within an area or group within the school. 
  • If an outbreak occurs, MMSA will offer COVID testing for that group of students and staff. 
  • Anyone who is ill will be separated until a COVID test can be given. 
  • If a person tests negative for COVID they may return to class. 
  • If a student tests negative for COVID but is too sick to return to class they will be separated from others and parents will be contacted for pick up. 
  • If a staff member tests negative for COVID but is too sick to return to class they will be asked to leave the building. 
  • If someone tests positive for COVID they will be separated from others, must wear a mask, and must leave the building as soon as possible. 
  • Anyone testing positive for COVID will isolate for at least 5 days. 
    • Students and staff may return on day 6 if they have been fever free for at least 24 hours with the use of medications, symptoms are resolving and have met one of the following criteria
      • The individual wears a mask over their nose and mouth for days 6 to 10. 
      • On day 5 or prior to returning to the building there was a negative COVID test. 

Notification of positive cases

  • Parents and guardians will be notified through a phone message, text message, or email when a positive case of COVID is detected in a specific group of students that their student may have come in contact with. 
  • MMSA will no longer do contact tracing unless there is a major outbreak of 5 or more cases within a specific group of students. 


  • All school aged children are eligible for vaccinations and this continues to be the best way to prevent serious infection. 
  • All students,  staff, and their families are recommended to be vaccinated. 
    • If you need assistance with resources for vaccinations please contact the COVID Coordinator at MMSA. 
  • MMSA may collect and maintain data on COVID vaccination status similar to other vaccinations. 


  • MMSA will provide various COVID testing opportunities. 
    • Symptomatic testing
      • Tests conducted by trained MMSA staff or NOVIR
    • General testing
      • Tests conducted by NOVIR


  • HVAC filters changed periodically, as recommended. 
  • Windows opened when possible. This depends on weather conditions and factors such as pollen, allergies, asthma etc…

Cleaning and Disinfection

  • Regular cleaning
    • Teachers and TA’s are responsible for:
      • Daily sanitizing of desks/tables, chairs, counters, sinks (lower level), light switches, door handles and other surfaces that are in regular use within their rooms
        • Use the pink/purple sanitizer that is provided to us by Cintas which is available in the mop rooms on each floor. (spray, let sit 1 minute, then wipe or let it dry)
      • Desks/tables will be sanitized between groups of students to reduce the spread of viruses or for K4 and K5 at least 1 time per day. 
      • Students can help with sanitizing. 
  • Building maintenance staff is responsible for:
    • Cleaning bathrooms, cafeteria, hallways, stairwells and all other common areas daily. 
    • Daily sanitizing of handrails of staircases, doors and door handles of hallway doors, and security door call boxes. This will be done daily. 
  • If there is an outbreak there will be increased cleaning in the area that it occurred. 

Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette

  • Hand washing
    • Students and staff will wash their hands before and after eating, after coughing, sneezing, or blowing their nose into their hands and as needed to remain clean. 
    • Anyone putting their hands into their mouth or nose will wash or sanitize their hands. 
    • If soap and water are not readily available, hand sanitizer will be used. 
  • Respiratory Etiquette 
    • Coughing or sneezing into your shoulder/elbow is recommended to lessen the spread of germs in the air. 
    • Masks are optional. 
      • Masks are required for 5 days if returning to school from being in isolation due to a positive case of COVID and no negative test results were received. 
        • Tests are available at school. 

Staff Considerations

  • Any staff member who has a specific concern regarding COVID can talk with administration or the COVID Coordinator. 
  • If a staff member is positive for COVID they will inform the administration and PTO or time off will be determined at that time. 

Staff Safety

  • Staff will understand the correct use of masks, gloves, gowns and other PPE as appropriate. 
  • All staff are recommended to receive the COVID and influenza vaccines.